A collection of pieces of projects ranging from screen design, UX artifacts, moodboards, print design, and visual experiments.

A demo for training a machine learning model for interior design.
2 of 5 screens -- Internal Liquid Studios Project

A proof of concept for a Gen AI tool.
2 of 30 screens of a prototype -- Internal Accenture Project

Research Synthesis and Platform Concepts for P&G Self-Care App aimed at busy moms.
3 of 40 pages a Research Shareout deck -- Accenture Client Project

Lucid Dreaming App
Internal Accenture Project

Moodboards for Liquid Studios Rebranding
Internal Liquid Studios Project

Moodboards for a P&G Self-Care App
Accenture Client Project
Make donating food a team sport -- Feed Racer is a race-centered themed app that drives food donations.

Wayfinding can be magical -- Theme park character guide.
AR Prototype - Mixamo (rigging the 3D model) , Sketch, Photoshop
Optimistick Sticker Packs -- Spreading good vibes a sticker at a time.
Package Design & Sticker Design -- Illustrator, Sticker Paper, Scissors

A book featuring the work of Dutch Landscape Architect, Piet Oudolf.
Book Design & Book Binding -- InDesign, X-Acto knife, Thread wax

A poster celebrating my hobby of embroidery.
Poster Design -- DSLR Camera, Photoshop

A poster expressing the word uneathly.
Poster Design -- Yarn & Pencils, DSLR Camera, Photoshop

A book exploring cats in art history.
Book Design & Book Binding -- InDesign, Illustrator

A collection of doodles.

Poster design.
Photoshop, Laser jet printer, clear medium

A ouija board that displays a typeface I designed called Ophanto.
Type Design-- Illustrator, Lasercutter

Putting in a contact lens.
Watercolor, Illustrator

Building Study.
Watercolor, collage, blender marker, pencil, charcoal